About us
Our company, Engineering and metallurgical consultants (MJOI), specializes in modeling metallurgical processes using METSIM software as the main tool for evaluations.
During the last few years we have been an active participant in the industry providing consulting and obtaining technical support for a series of projects and operations in Chile and abroad.
We have also participated in metallurgical support studies for the development of green field projects, planning metallurgical tests, supervising their development in commercial laboratories and expanding the design criteria and required process simulations.
As a work team we have developed more than 15,000 hours of consulting and process modeling.
MJOI is a leader in METSIM modeling and an authorized distributor of Metsim International.
Our value proposition.
- Generation of high quality technical support for your project.
- Experience of team members in all stages of the business cycle: research and development,
operations, planning, management and direction. - High capacities in of metallurgical processes.
- Deep knowledge of the industry.
- Extensive network of technical contacts in the industry, suppliers and universities.
- Experience in simulations of industrial processes through METSIM software. Ability to program anything that can be logically described.
- Joint work with the customer technical staff.
- Assistance in projects as part of the Owner Team.

Marcelo Jo López
(General manager)
- Chemical Civil Engineer, University of Santiago de Chile.
- He has training in leadership, communications, security, analysis and simulation of processes, biochemistry, computing and Six Sigma.
- Expert in research, industrial experience, mine management and METSIM modeling. 38 years of experience.
- Thirteen years in research and development of metallurgical processes; operations manager as development and quality control metallurgist; operations manager, general manager and technology development manager; participating in different steering and technical committees of the Joint Ventures (Collahuasi and Antamina).
- Nine years directing and developing his own process engineering company.
- 38 years of experience.

Javier Jofré Rodriguez
(Senior Comminution Consultant)
- Civil Engineer Metallurgist, University of Santiago de Chile.
- Evaluation of the Grinding Process, classification of Las Luces Plant, new operating scenarios.
- Development of SAG model for METSIM International for maximum and fixed tonnage.
- Developments for SAG and ball grinding in METSIM simulation software for SGO project.
- He has taught more than 250 Moly-Cop Tools courses for engineers and operators, in various plants in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Mexico.
- 38 years of experience.

Luis Bondis Soto
(Modeling engineer)
- Computer Engineer and Inacap laboratory technician.
- Experience in industrial plants, pilot plants, and metallurgical laboratories.
- Operations metallurgist, planning of productive programs and senior in the areas of plant planning and process control.
- 35 years of experience.

Daniel Eyzaguirre
(Senior consultant in hydrometallurgy)
- Chemical Civil Engineer, University of Antofagasta.
- Development of various studies to control the transfer of chloride and impurities from leaching to EW.
- Evaluation of configuration alternatives for SX processes for various projects.
- Studies to determine the maximum process capacity.
- Process design for leaching chloride of secondary and primary sulfides.
- Execution of operational audits. Control of acidification of solutions in leaching.
- 38 years of experience.

Rodrigo Yunge Becker
(Modelling Engineer)
- Industrial Civil Engineer with a Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
- Consultant of Hydrometallurgical Processes for projects in the study stage or for planning and optimization or planning of tasks in operation.
- Development of metallurgical models for process optimization and decision making.
- Acid Recovery and Consumption Models.
- Economic Technical Evaluations.
- 10 years of experience.

Emmanuel Herrera Flores
(Modelling Engineer)
- Metallurgical Civil Engineer. Graduate in Engineering Sciences, Arturo Prat University.
- Experience in process modeling on the METSIM platform, specifically in hydrometallurgical and concentrator plants.
- Master different metallurgical process simulators (METSIM, Moly-cop Tools, JKSimMet, Bruno), specialized statistical software (R, Minitab), relational databases (PI system, MySQL) and office automation (Microsoft Office and Project).
- 13 years of experience.

Romilio Espejo Torres
(Senior Consultant in Biochemistry)
- Biochemist, University of Chile.
- Member of the American Academy of Microbiology, of the Chilean Academy of Sciences.
- National Award for Applied Sciences and Technology 2018.
- Consultant for bioleaching and extraction processes with bacteria.
- 60 years of experience.

Gustavo Bastidas Arancibia
(Modelling Engineer)
- Metallurgical Civil Engineer, Northern Catholic University.
- Specialist in the project area, focusing on technical and economic analysis, with strong metallurgical support.
- Improvement of copper (Cu) and molybdenum (Mo) flotation processes, recovery and treatment of process water and filtering-shipping of copper.
- Comprehensive knowledge of the mining process, management of the process from the mine to port area.
- Development of reagent evaluation projects, laboratory and industrial.
16 years of experience.

Andres Secco Arancibia
(Modelling Engineer)
- Chemical Civil Engineer, University of Santiago de Chile.
- Focused on the analysis of process strategies, pyrometallurgy, concentrator plants, crushing and hydrometallurgy.
- He has participated in various projects for the expansion, standardization and sustainability of mining companies in Chile, Argentina and Peru.
- 32 years of professional experience, 14 of them in the mining industry.

Contact us
Phone: +56 9 7641 7966
Email: metsim@mjoi.cl
Región Metropolitana